Hi guys I’m back! [Sorry I have been away for so long, but there have been several developments that have required me to make some adjustments.] Yes, I’m still married and still madly in love. I’m also still cooking but I don’t have as much free time as I used to because…. I GOT JOB!!!! I was working part-time as a bookkeeper when I started this blog and on January 2 I started a new job as a pre-school teacher! I have been really enjoying my new career but I also promised my bookkeeping client that I would still work until he found a replacement, so from January to April I had been working 6 or 7 days a week! I have never worked this much in my life, so my new work schedule coupled with married life significantly reduced my free time, so during the period I was not able to write my blog. Now, I’m finally back and I’ve missed you guys!!! More to come soon…I promise.